The Importance of Skincare for Men
There aren’t many things that every single human being has in common on this earth. But one thing we all have, is skin. Therefore, proper skin care and optimal skin health ought to be a priority for all of us. Sadly however, many of us do not give our skin the love and attention it deserves, in particular, those that identify as male.
In a survey conducted by ACUPOLL Precision Research in 2019, of a sample of 1000 men, eighteen years and older, 33% admitted to not washing their face on a daily basis, with those aged 18-24 twice as likely as men 45-54 to never wash their face at all. What is even more shocking, 63% of the men confessed to not regularly washing their face using face wash, and a startling 11% saying they’ve never even tried it. Though these statistics may seem shocking – unbelievable even – there are a wide range of possible reasons for these answers.
One is that men are genuinely unaware of how important maintaining a proper skincare routine is, and wouldn’t know how to start going about looking after their skin. Another is admittedly laziness, or lack of motivation. Additionally, some may be fearful of engaging in an activity that they find to be associated with “femininity” (come on, guys! It’s 2022! Proper hygiene and skincare should be a necessity not a gender role!)
Though we are slowly dismantling the standards that different genders are held to, there still exists a certain stigma regarding men who enjoy a good pampering. We all have skin, and a proper skincare routine should be just as important to men as it is to women.
When washing your skin, you are removing excess dirt, sweat and oil, which, left to accumulate on the surface layer of the skin, could potentially lead to acne breakouts, dryness and irritation, and a reduction in self-confidence. Aside from this, washing your face and applying products that work for you is a simple yet effective form of self-care. You are taking time out of the day to look after yourself and your wellbeing.
When is caring for your skin life-saving?
According to data from the US Centers for Disease control and Prevention data, among white people, who are likely to experience higher rates of melanoma, men are twice more likely than women to die of skin cancer. In conjunction with this, skin cancer death rates in men have more than TRIPLED since the early 1970s. This is partially due to the lack of care some men can take when it comes to their skin, with males being less likely to apply SPV products to protect them from UV rays, and also less likely to refer themselves to a healthcare professional when abnormalities appear in their skin.
Dermatologist Luke Maxfield cites here that “Men seem to need a lot more coaxing to be seen in the office for skin checks.” Whether this be due to pride, or embarrassment, or merely a lack of awareness of what symptoms to look out for, it’s a statistic that needs to be changed.
So, what should we be looking out for on our skin?
The NHS recommends an ABCDE approach. Using the following checklist, you ought to be able to differentiate between normal moles, and causes for concern.
Asymmetrical – melanomas usually have 2 very different halves and are an irregular shape
Border – melanomas usually have a notched or ragged border
Colours – melanomas will usually be a mix of 2 or more colours
Diameter – most melanomas are usually larger than 6mm in diameter
Enlargement or elevation – a mole that changes size over time is more likely to be a melanoma”
If a mole is getting bigger, changing shape or colour, bleeding or becoming crusty, or is itchy or sore, it’s imperative that we use the above checklist to see if there is any chance of melanoma. Regardless of your levels of concern, it’s always best to be safe than sorry, and book a doctor’s appointment to rule out any serious issues.
Self-care in men can come in all forms
Finding a skincare brand that works for you and your skin can be transformative for your self-esteem. That is why we at 47 Skin design our products with your wellbeing in mind. It’s our goal for you to feel great in your own skin. You can browse our “For Him” range here.
While it’s important to maintain self-care when it comes to our external appearance, it’s equally as important to be attentive to how we are doing on the inside. Male suicides have consistently accounted for approximately three-quarters of all suicides in the UK since the mid-1990s, with men less likely to reach out to seek help, or open up about their emotional struggles, than women. Below are a couple resources for anyone struggling.
Call the Samaritans at 116 123
OR CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) at 0800 58 58 58